Sometimes unexpected roofing problems happen when you either need to replace your entire roof or you need to repair it. When a problem is found, if you don’t have the funds to pay for it, it’s best to not wait until funds are available. Waiting to replace or repair your roof can make the problem worse, therefore costing more money. It’s best to have the roof replaced or repaired as soon as you notice the problem.
Getting started is super easy. Just call (866) 409-7900 or click below to start the process. We use EnerBank USA in Salt Lake City, Utah. They will ask you for the below Program Phone Number, Contractor ID, and Loan Code.
12-Month Same-As-Cash Loan

*Credit and loans provided by Regions Bank d/b/a EnerBank USA, Member FDIC, (650 S Main St, Suite 1000, Salt Lake City, UT 84101) on approved credit, for a limited time. 19.99% fixed APR (provided however, APR will not exceed 15.99% for residents of New Jersey and 17.99% for residents of Florida and Wisconsin), effective as of May 2024, subject to change. Minimum loan amounts apply. Interest starts accruing when funds are disbursed. Interest waived if repaid in 365 days. Repayment terms vary from 24 to 132 months. Actual loan term may be shorter if less than the full approved amount of credit is used. First monthly loan payment due 365 days after funds are disbursed. If no payments made during same-as-cash period and APR of 19.99%, monthly payments vary from $21.99 to $30.82 per $1,000 borrowed depending on term. The minimum monthly payment will be no less than $50.00.
With our roof financing, you can repair or replace your roof today!
Why Wait? 12-Month Same-As-Cash.
We understand that a new roof can be expensive. Even roof repairs can be expensive. And not everyone has the money sitting around to pay for it. That’s why financing is available.
With this roof financing program, which is only available through authorized and participating contractors such as us, you’ll get:
- No payments and no interest for 12 months on approved credit (FYI: most other roofing companies or lending banks require a monthly payment during the Same-As-Cash period)
- 100% unsecured financing from $1,000 to $65,000 on approved credit
- A quick, easy, and safe toll-free loan-by-phone application process
- A fast credit decision in about 10 minutes
- No paperwork
- Peace-of mind because you provide your personal financial information directly to the bank and not to your dealer or over the internet
- Convenient calling hours
- Monday-Friday 8:00 AM to 1:00 AM (EST)
- Saturday 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM (EST)
- No application fee-No closing costs-No prepayment penalties
So don’t delay. You can complete your roof repair or replacement now rather than later. Selecting the right professional roofing contractor with an attractive same-as-cash payment option makes your decision easier. Have a question about the program or want to apply?
What’s more, for a limited time, we also offer these roof coupons.
Call (866) 409-7900 to apply with the following information >
Program phone number: (866) 409-7900
Contractor ID: 66787
Loan code: 821177
Loans provided by EnerBank USA (1245 E. Brickyard Rd., Suite 640, Salt Lake City, UT 84106) on approved credit, for a limited time. Repayment terms vary from 24 to 132 months. 17.91% fixed APR subject to change. Interest waived if repaid in 365 days.
EnerBank USA has helped tens of thousands of homeowners get the payment options they need to fulfill their home improvement and remodeling dreams. EnerBank USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of CMS Energy Corp., which is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol CMS.