It’s been a while since you’ve thought about your roof, and you’re wondering if you need a new one. But, what do you look for? How do you know if you need a new roof? It’s not always obvious that you need a new roof. Some signs are only visible from on top of your roof, other signs are visible from the ground. Some signs you need a new roof aren’t very obvious. Luckily, we offer free roof inspections. If you aren’t sure you need a new roof, contact us. We will inspect your roof, free of charge, and let you know if it’s got more life in it or if it’s time for a new one.
Quick Answer: 6 signs you need a new roof are: missing asphalt shingle granules, curled or cracked asphalt shingles, extensive missing roofing material, if your neighbors are getting a new roof, and if you have extensive hail damage.
1. Missing Granules

Sometimes you don’t have to get on your roof to see signs that you need a new roof. Sometimes signs are left on the ground. If you see a lot of granules on the ground or in your gutters, that means they’re not on the shingles where they belong. Granules on asphalt shingles help protect your roof from harmful UV rays. Without these granules, the sun would prematurely deteriorate your asphalt shingle roof. What’s more, missing granules means there’s exposed fiberglass and water can pass through onto the roof deck.
2. Curled Shingles

Curled asphalt shingles are easily seen from the ground. A few things can cause asphalt shingles to curl. An improperly ventilated attic can trap moisture in the roof deck which leads to mold, which leads to curled shingles. If the roof installer didn’t use enough nails or didn’t align the shingles correctly, this can also cause the singles to curl. Asphalt shingles perform best when they’re completely secured. Secured shingles form an impenetrable layer, preventing moisture from getting to your roof deck. Curled shingles mean that seal is broken and moisture can get past the shingles and to your roof deck. Curled shingles also vulnerable to winds as the wind can get under the shingles and tear them off your roof.
3. Cracked Shingles
We see cracks more often in fiberglass-based asphalt shingle roofs. A fiberglass mat that’s too thin lacks adequate tear resistance. Using too strong of an adhesive, which prevents shingles from shifting during temperature changes, can also cause shingles to crack. Cracked shingles allow water to pass straight through to the roofing felt. This felt is there to protect your roof deck should rain get around your shingles. Roofing felt’s main job is to waterproof your roof deck. Cracked asphalt shingles means there’s one less line of defense for your roof. You do not want water to reach your roof deck. Your roof desk is made of wood. Should your roof deck get wet, it can lead to a host of other problems.
4. Excessive Missing Roofing Material
This one’s easy. If you’re missing a lot of your roofing material, you need a new roof. That said, if there’s minimal missing roofing material, maybe you just need your roof repaired. What causes your roof to fall off or blow away? The primary culprit we see is extensive wind with a non-high wind roof or an improperly installed roof. We get strong winds, here in Colorado. Often those winds are in excess of 100mph. If a roofer installed shingles that are only designed to withstand winds of 60mph, that roof will get blown-off. A 160mph rated shingle roof can also be blown-off in lesser winds if it wasn’t installed correctly. Also, an old, worn-out roof can also fall apart or be blown away. Therefore, if you notice much of your roof is missing, you probably need a new roof.
5. Your Neighbors Are Getting a New Roof

If you see your neighbors replacing their roofs, you should consider getting yours inspected, as it might be time to replace yours, as well. A lot of houses in a neighborhood are built at the same time. As of the writing of this article, it’s 2018. If your house was built in 2000 and has the original roof, that means your roof is 18 years old. The average lifespan of a mid-grade asphalt shingle roof is 20 years. If you know your roof is 15 years old or more, get it inspected. We offer free roof inspections. If we inspect your roof and determine it’s ok, we’ll let you know. We’ll also let you know if we think it’s time for a new one. We don’t want to install a new roof if you don’t need it. We will only recommend a new roof if you actually need one.
To compare the lifespans of the various residential roofing materials or to see which lasts the longest or costs less, check out our Guide to Residential Roofing.
6. Hail Damage

If you just had a hail storm, it probably didn’t damage just a portion of your roof, it probably damaged your entire roof, or enough of it to warrant a roof replacement. Hail damages an asphalt shingle roof when the hail stones cause the granules to bounce off, leaving the asphalt exposed. Exposed asphalt will dry-up quicker. You should have your roof inspected right away if a hail storm has passed through your neighborhood. Especially if the hail stones were of a descent size. The good news about a hail storm is that your insurance may cover the cost of a new roof.
The Bottom Line:
If you notice any of the above signs, you might need a new roof. Before you replace your current asphalt shingle roof with new shingles, consider a metal roof. Metal roofing often lasts 3 times as long as even the longest-lasting asphalt shingle roof. As a result, it often costs less in the long-run. Contact us right away for a free roof inspection. If your roof has a problem and you don’t know about it, it could cost you more money the longer you wait.