Category: Roofing

  • Pros and Cons of Asphalt Shingles

    Pros and Cons of Asphalt Shingles

    Asphalt shingles are a staple among roof coverings. They are the most popular roof the U.S., and for good reasons, affordability being just one of them. However, there are also many disadvantages to asphalt shingles. If you’re shopping for a new asphalt shingle roof in Colorado, consider this article to help you decide if they’re…

  • The Best Roof for Your Farm

    The Best Roof for Your Farm

    American farmers have a hard and busy job: feeding critters, working the field, hauling livestock, keeping their equipment running. From sun-up to sun-down, there’s no shortage of things to do. The last thing you want to do is worry about your roof. We understand this. You need a roof that’s highly durable and low maintenance.…

  • How to Spot Roof Hail Damage

    How to Spot Roof Hail Damage

    Spotting roof hail damage can be tricky. It depends upon the roof material, the size and velocity of the hail stones, among other factors. Sometimes the damage is obvious. However, sometimes it’s not. What’s more, sometimes the damage is urgent and needs attention right away. Other minor damage can wait. Below are a few tips…

  • The Best Roof to Cool Your Home

    The Best Roof to Cool Your Home

    The cost of living in Colorado keeps going up. Everything from food, transportation, housing, and energy cost more than it did the previous year. Many homeowners and business owners in Colorado are wondering what they can do to lower their spending, and that includes with their utility bill. There are many ways to lower your…

  • Why You Shouldn’t Delay Fixing That Small Roof Leak

    Why You Shouldn’t Delay Fixing That Small Roof Leak

    It’s Spring in Colorado and it’s been lightly raining all day. You’re home from a long day’s work in the kitchen making yourself something to eat when you notice the ocassional water drip coming from the hood vent above the stove. You don’t think much of it, maybe it’s just condensation. You forget about it…

  • How Often Should You Replace Your Roof?

    How Often Should You Replace Your Roof?

    It’s difficult to say how often you should replace your roof, as it depends upon many factors. Most people wait as long as possible to replace their roof because it’s so expensive. It’s also common to replace an aging roof before selling one’s home, as this increases the chances of selling their home for their…

  • Greenest Roof for Your Home

    Greenest Roof for Your Home

    The ‘greenest’ roof might not be what you’d expect. When most homeowners think of a ‘green’ roof, they think of an organic roof, such as wood shake or clay tiles. However, the ‘greenest’ roof for your home is the one that lasts the longest, is 100% recyclable, and is the ‘coolest’. And, that’s metal panels,…

  • Spring Roof Maintenance Tips

    Spring Roof Maintenance Tips

    Why is Spring Roof Maintenance Important? Like most of the country, Spring means rain in Colorado. If your roof is in good working order, you have nothing to worry about. However, if you have a shingle that’s not secure, or flashing that isn’t sealed, or missing roof material, you will more than likely have a…

  • Is a Metal Roof Worth It

    Is a Metal Roof Worth It

    Your existing roof needs replacing and you’re considering going with metal. You’re wondering if a new metal roof is worth it, if it’s worth the additional expense. It’s a good question considering metal is among the more expensive roofs, initially. It’s understandable why traditional asphalt shingles might be tempting. Afterall, they’re the most affordable roof…